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Monday 21 March 2011

Pelajaran 2 sms

Sehari tadi terasa sangat panas. Bisa dikatakan paling panas dalam seminggu ini. Dan wow, tentu saja rutinitas selalu menemani. bekerja, itulah rutinitas harianku. O iya, selama ini aku bekerja di salah satu anak perusahaan Astra. Perakitan sepeda motor. Dan aku di bagian PPC. Bagian yang tidak banyak memerlukan pikiran. Sayang sekali. Tapi tidak masalah, justru itu yang membuat aku memiliki banyak waktu untuk memikirakn hal lain. Mencoba berbisnis. Okey, hari yang panas telah berlalu dan aku sudah selesai dengan menulis laporanku. Hm... Santai sejenak.. Tiba tiba hapeku berbunyi.. Sms diterima.. Dan ternyata isinya adalah konfirmasi tentang komoditi yang aku jual. Well... Entah kenapa aku tidak begitu bersemangat seperti biasanya menanggapi sms berbau bisnis. Padahal biasanya aku sangat antusisias kalau mendapat sms bisnis. Okey, aku jawab seperlunya. Kemudian beliau menjawab dengan pertanyaan yang justru membuat jantungku berdebar. Wow, jelas terlihat bahwa aku melakukan kesalahan. Aku telah melakukan tindakan yang berakibat fatal. Dan aku bisa merasakannya. Perasaan yang sangat tidak nyaman. Perasaan kecewa. Perasaan gagal. Perasaan bersalah. Ya, dan aku memang salah. Ini adalah koreksi terbesar yang pernah aku terima dalam menjalankan bisnis. Sebuah koreksi yang luar biasa yang hanya ditulis dalam beberapa kalimat. Dalam 2 sms. wow.... Luar biasa... Mantap. Pukulan telak telah aku terima. Gubrak.... Semangatku terjatuh. Nyaliku menciut.. Bergidig jika aku mengingatnya. Koreksi tajam yang sangat mematikan. Atau sangat menghidupkan?????? Dan aku belajar 1 hal yang sangat penting hari ini. Tentang sebuah konsistensi yang harus kita pegang. Konsistensi terhadap hal hal kecil yang jika diabaikan akan berakibat fatal. ya. Dan aku bersyukur telah diingatkan. Telah dijatuhkan. Telah dipukul. Telah dicekoki jamu pahit dalam 2 sms. Mantap.... Hal yang takkan pernah aku lupakan. Walau mungkin hubungan bisnis kami tidak berlanjut tapi aku tetap berterimakasih atas 2 sms yang mematikan.


  1. Sms e pye ndul? Ra d tulis..., ayooo2 d posting ben menginspirasi tmen nya...,

  2. pokoke mematikan.... bener... padahal aq anggap sepele, tapi ternyata... untuk menjadi besar, butuh konsistensi bahkan terhadap hal-hal kecill sekalipun.

  3. I wish i could tell something to light the way ;)

  4. @anonymous. thank U. welcome to my simple blog. may I kno who U are? Ur blog may be?

  5. You know me well, hmm anyway hope u dont mind if we could be friend and just share our experience instead asking who i am either who you are.


    Just consider me as a machine or something, you can call me anything but one thing you've got to know that i am a female. Female Machine actualy lolzz :)

    Ok i am waiting for your big story...

  6. @anonymous. who u are? if u're black pearl, show ur self. if u're another girl, let me know.... btw, tell me ur story machine girl.....

  7. Hahahaha i like it when you call me "machine girl" sounds so sophisticated... lolz... keep it up!

    But that's not a bad guess anyway, ahh come on but i hate it when i cant be long to hide my id and let people treat me as i want.

    But it's ok... By the way how are you???

  8. @m.girl. I'm fine, though I used to be better. what bout U? tell me ur story m.girl...

    why don.t U use ur id? but, first, I guess thet U're nadia riffa. when I asked her she said " I didnt". so it must be some other girl. too much comments in this post that doesnt relevan. i think i have to put a chat widget or shoutmix box so people can talk out of the post.

  9. why should use id if you can appear annonymous?? hehehe.. thx 4 d facility anyway ^^v

    nice being your friend, hope we can meet someday ^.^

  10. Heyy.. me again "machine girl" as you called me, hehe.. i am interested to make bussiness with you because i learn from all your shares in this website that you work for a company and you have spare times at night..
    I have an activity that i cant handle at present, it's called "internet marketing" and i want you to help me send some emails to buyers i will give the modul and u will read it. I will give fees if any buyers contact me and please do believe me though i dont give you permission to contact me but one day i will meet you as soon as possible. I have some comodities to sell to Europe. ok just tell me if we could be partners.. ok i am waiting for your response.

  11. @m.girl. first, U came in Anonymous mode. I hate it. 2nd, U made a sign that U're Black Pearl. everybody can do it girl!!!! I dont know whether U're Black Pearl or not. proof it girl!!! 3rd U ask me to do some "business" but U dont give me permission to contact U. wow.. am I looks like a stupid boy???? hahahaha. I dont care U're black pearl or not, but U have NO POWER to give me an order!!!!! U have NO RIGHT to do that!!!! Just go to hell with Ur damn shit business girl... If U wanna make a business with me, either U're Black Pearl or not, lets make a personal contact!

  12. Well i am sorry for being impolite to you, but honestly i have good purposes. And previously you have good guess, i am Vita.
    I like reading your blog everytime i have spare time, and i just wanna say hello again, but maybe i make you mad at me because i hide my id, sorry i just dont know how to start.
    Then about the bussiness, i just offer you because i think at least i can be your partner/ friend. Because i think you are right person and i trust u.

    I am sorry again.

  13. okey, so U're black pear. how to start? hehehehe. is that so hard? i dont think so... never mind bout it. about business, wow, I think U must be a great girl so U can sell commodities to Europe. that's make me wondering.
    1. what kind of commodities U sell to Europe?
    2. if this business is worth enough, why dont U handle it by Ur self?
    3. what activity U do until U have no time to do it -if it's worth-? is that activity more worth than selling commodities to Europe -if I can call it "export"-?

    BTW thank for trusting me.

  14. Thank you for the smiles, so ur partime job now is an interviewer huh?

    Well Mr. Questions will answer all:
    1. I sell Furnitures and Handicrafts
    2. Previously i handled all but since i'm getting busy outside i dont do that anymore and better i give to personals who can take care of it
    3. I start making Laundry bussiness at Jepara and dont have enough time to go online

    By the way, i have 2 activities now those are export and Laundry bussiness (new), and because the laundry status is soft opening so i have to be more busy at the place to control the employees and make good systems too.

    So, i need a personal who can continue my marketing activity, dont worry it is very easy. About the salary, hmm this is main thing and sometimes people reject that as i only pay IF there is a buyer contact me and make deals so i give u commissions, and i consider the amount won't be very bad ;)

    So tell me you want this job or no??

  15. Furniture and handicraft?, are still working at old place? or U set up Ur own company?
    if U set up Ur own company (export), it doesn't make sense to me that U prefer doing Ur new business to do Ur old business (exporting furniture and handicraft). really, it doesn't make sense for me, leaving something big, something stable, to get something new.
    "..you want this job or no?" wow straight to the business huh? I like that. I think that should be a good offer for me, but in this time, I just begin to create my own job. so, I think next time I'll call U if I need it.

  16. Yes Furniture and Handicraft Export. Previously i worked for International Forest Certification Consultant based at Forestry Faculty Gadjah Mada University but used to travel around Jepara to meet clients. One of my client named UD. Muji Jaya Citra Mandiri interested to offer me bussiness to market their products, and i accepted their offers then i make internet marketing concept. My position in the company is as a marketing director, so i dont run company by myself, i just take care the marketing and the directors and managers take care the productions.
    About the Laundry, that is my own bussiness, and i set this bussiness to support my operational fee as i dont want any founds stop/ only spend money for nothing so i try to make money by Laundry, besides, Muji Jaya has transportation bussiness so they can order to clean blankets from their buses in my laundry so everything can possibly run.
    Bussiness is not that complicated to think, there are only me, director (Mr. Yunus Anies) and manager (Listyowati) , and we just think about concept. U can check this website www.mujijaya.biz.

    I am sorry again for being impolite but you are right person to do it. Just make it as partime job, only forwarding emails every night and i will show you how. I know you as someone who thinks over normal brain :)

  17. o, yah. i understand now. furniture is not a daily consumption goods. so there is no constant order. a right person? is that true? he he he. U make an assumption without analysis. part time job?? let me think about it... how if I assume it just like a game. just show me first how does it work. if it doesn't slow my business down, I'll take it as a GAME. just a GAME. not less, not more.

  18. Yes not daily consumption goods for Indonesians or any other Asians, but in Europe and America people have high demands in specific months that called "high seasons" for manufacturer like Muji Jaya, moreover Muji Jaya has been certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)which buyers look for their products, that is why MJCM wants to spread their products all over the world.

    What do u mean by the GAME?

    Well thank you if you want to learn how it works first then please tell me where i could send the instructions?? your email?

  19. GAME, ya just a game. if I like, I'll do it. if it makes me bored, I leave it. am.rozee88@gmail.com

  20. ok i have sent to you, but for more fix email templates i will send you soon as i have to change the picture first. Because the phone numbers get wrong.


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